

Marthinus Mandagi, Margareth I.R. Rantung

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This research departs from the importance of using information technology in government, especially e-government, in realizing Good Governance. The Indonesian government has attempted to implement e-government in public services and state financial management, but implementation is still not optimal (Yunita, 2018). This can be seen from the low level of public participation in using e-government, as well as the many obstacles faced in its implementation (Rybnikova et al., 2022). Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the implementation of e-government and the factors that influence its success, as well as solutions to overcome the obstacles faced in realizing Good Governance in Indonesia.

E-government understood as the use of information technology in government (Dhaoui, 2021). E-government refers to public services provided by the government through information technology, such as the internet, computer networks, and information systems. E-government can be interpreted as the government's efforts to carry out digital transformation in public services and state financial management. E-government can be applied in various aspects of government, such as public administration, finance, law, environment, etc. (Liang & Yueping, 2018). E-government can be used to increase efficiency, transparency, andaccountabilitygovernance, and increasing participationpublicingovernment. E-government can also increase people's accessibility to public services, especially for those living in rural and remote areas (Ferrari et al., 2022).

In a global context, the implementation of e-government has become a trend and a need that must be met by countries in the world. E-government is expected to increase efficiency, transparency and accessibility in public services and improve people's quality of life. The implementation of e-government is expected to increase community participation in decision making and government supervision, as well as improve the quality of public services. In Indonesia, implementing e-government is also one of the government's priorities in national development (Arief & Yuardani, 2018). The government has issued various programs and policies forincreaseimplementation of e-government in Indonesia. However, there are still various obstacles faced in its implementation, such as the low level of literacy in digital society, ICT accessibility, inappropriate regulations, poor quality of human resources, and low public trust in e-government services.

The history of e-government began in the 1960s, when governments in several countries began to develop information systems to support government activities (Hu?ek et al., 2021). Initially, the information system used was only used by the government itself, without involving the public. In the 1990s, the concept of e-government emerged, which emphasized the use of information technology to carry out digital transformation in public services and state financial management. In the world, e-government is implemented by various countries with the aim of increasing government efficiency, transparency and accountability, as well as increasing public participation in government.

Good governanceis a concept that refers to the way the government and other institutions carry out their duties and authorities in an effective and efficient manner and through a transparent and responsible process. In this research, Good Governance is linked to the implementation of e-government, because e-government is expected to improve Good Governance by increasing government efficiency, transparency and accountability as well as increasing public participation in government. The analysis carried out in this research will discuss how e-government implementation affects good governance in Indonesia, factors that influence the success of e-government implementation and solutions to overcome obstacles in e-government implementation that can improve Good Governance in Indonesia (Umbach & Tkalec, 2022a).

The implementation of e-government is also expected to increase effectiveness in public services through increasing service accessibility and better quality of public services. Apart from that, with the e-government system, the government decision-making process can also be carried out more quickly and efficiently. The government can easily collect data and information from the public and analyze it to support the decision-making process. The implementation of e-government is also expected to increase efficiency in government financial management. With an e-government system, the government can be more efficient in managing and controlling financial expenditure (Nganje, 2020).

The implementation of e-government is also expected to increase efficiency in government supervision. With an e-government system, the public can easily access information and report violations or problems that occur in public services. Overall, the implementation of e-government and e-governance is expected to increase efficiency and effectiveness in public services, through increasing the accessibility of public services, better service quality, faster and more efficient decision-making processes, more efficient financial management and better supervision. more effective.

However, the implementation of e-government in various countries still faces various obstacles (Mensah, 2020). Some of the problems faced include (1) Accessibility: Accessibility to e-government services is still limited for people in rural and remote areas, and those who lack access to information technology.

(2) Infrastructure: The infrastructure needed to support e-government, such as internet networks and information systems, is still quite weak in several countries and often experiences disruptions (3) Quality of service: The quality of e-government services still does not meet standards in several countries, especially in terms of speed and accuracy (4) System integration: System integration between government agencies is still not optimal in several countries and often causes difficulties in service (5) Cybersecurity: there is still a fairly high risk of cyber attacks on e-government systems that could detrimental to both the government and society (Ostasius & Laukaitis, 2015).

The implementation of e-government in each country is also influenced by various factors unique to that country, such as political, economic and cultural conditions (Martin-Shields et al., 2021). Therefore, the implementation of e-government in each country can be different and can have different obstacles. This article will focus on how e-government is implemented in various regions in Indonesia. Obstacles and solutions for implementing e-government in the context of improving public services in Indonesia.

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