Evaluate the efficacy of Kareeradi Kwatha versus Panchvalkal Kwath (as Yoni Prakshalan) in the management of Shweta Pradara (leucorrhoea)''A randomized controlled trial
Pooja Basnal1 , Preeti Borkar2 ,Bhushan Mhaiskar3 ,Dnyanesh Joshi4
Background :-One of the most prevalent and serious issues that face women worldwide is Shweta Pradara. There is no woman who is immune to this sickness. Shweta pradara is a common gynaecological illness that, if left untreated, can cause ascending infections that can affect overall health and cause other problems.All gynaecological problems are frequently alluded to as yonivyapada in Ayurveda. Astaangsangraha and Astaanghridaya utilised Shweta Srav rather than Shweta Pradara to describe white vaginal discharge in Brihatrayee i.e. Charak Samhita, Shushrut Samhita, Astaangsangraha, and Astaanghridaya. However, Bhavaprakash Samhita and Yogaratnakar Shweta Pradara have since been described in Sharangdhara Samhita. Many medications have been reported in Ayurveda for the treatment of Shweta Pradara.Therefore, it is crucial to choose a treatment that is appropriate without interfering with other systems. The goal of the current study is to support the Nidana and Samprapti, Samprapti Vighantana of Shweta Pradara and provide alternative method of therapy those who have Shweta Pradara . Considering the side effects of untreated Shweta Pradara, such as infertility, etc. Therefore, it is essential that this ailment receive active treatment and that the quality of life be improved.Drugs in Kareeradi kwath is having sothahar (anti-inflammatory),
jantughan(antibacterial) ,kandughana (helpul in itching), varana sodhana property which is helpful in Shweta pradara .Paired ‘t’ test will be proved statistically significant in kandu , srav , and also in excoriation of skin of vulval regions and signs of discharge . As the outcome of this study will be positive i.e, the drug has vital action in remission of the symptom like yonisrav , katishoola and kandu . Thus the study will give the best curative effect of Kareeradi kwath Yoni prakshalan in Shweta Pradara.
Aim And Objectives :-Comparison of the efficacy of Kareeradi Kwatha versus Panchvalkaldi Kwath (Yoni Prakshalana) in the management of Shweta Pradara (Leucorrhoea) and To compare of the efficacy of Kareeradi Kwath vs Panchvalkal Kwath as Yoni-Prakshalana in in the management of Shweta Pradara.
Methodology :-In the planned study, 60 participants will be randomised into two groups at random, with 30 patients in each group. Group A (Panchvalkal kwath) will receive a daily dose of 500 ml administered yoni prakshalan for 7 days. Group B (kareeradi kwath) will
receive a daily dose of 500 ml administered yoni prakshalan for 7 days. At day zero, eighth day , and after day sixteenth day for follow-up, an assessment record will be taken.
Results :- Improvement in results will be recorded according to the Objectives. Changes in objective results will be seen.
Conclusion:-It may be predicted that the study's parameters will improved in Shweta Srav , kati shoola, and yoni kandu.
Key Words:- Shweta Pradara , Yoni Vyapad ,